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Weight Loss for Everyone: Anyone else all about the slow and steady approach?

Thursday, December 26, 2019

Anyone else all about the slow and steady approach?

I probably have 35 pounds to lose in terms of being fit, been 100 pounds overweight 2 times. I have a few food allergies, dairy and wheat, which helps me a lot in avoiding bad food recently. Because most of the bad food has either of those in it. Honestly, these days I don't think I have food cravings. Past few years I haven't been much of a gluten. I see food as medicine, rather than as a treat. If you do it right, that medicine fixes most issues. Weird, but it's opened up my world, and let me get away from something instinctual.

I've had times in my life, too many, where weight loss was the center of my universe. And I probably hurt myself, my metabolism, trying to reach a goal. Like, once I reach this goal, everything will be better. And you get obsessed with calorie counting, exercising, being very strict. Yet it seems like that never follows through, and those periods are just that...periods of time that won't continue on.

The more I let it all happen slowly, and don't obsess (even though I do have a bit of an obsession with learning about human health), and don't use it as an ultimate goal...weight loss becomes very easy. There's no pressure, there's no observing too often. Instead it becomes your lifestyle and you don't even realize it. Slowly you see the problems you had go away, as you let the health become a slow and steady progression of learning.

submitted by /u/ilike_tuhtles
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