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Weight Loss for Everyone: does anyone feel odd about their body after losing a lot of weight?

Monday, December 30, 2019

does anyone feel odd about their body after losing a lot of weight?

i was always a chubby person even as a kid, and i’ve never been skinny in my life. last year i decided i wanted to lose weight because i didn’t want to end up with diabetes or any other health problems. i was 200 lbs then, and currently i’m 157 lbs. i’m still technically overweight (i’m 5’6”) and i still have a belly, but i’m the skinniest i’ve ever been in a long long time.

but i’m not really used to being like this. my double chin is gone. i’ve developed feeling and playing with my collar bone as a nervous habit. sometimes, when i’m walking, i feel weird like a part of me is missing, before realizing that it was just my extra stomach fat. a bunch of the clothes in my wardrobe are now too big for me, and i’m not even too sure that i can fit into them again when spring comes. even the new pants i got specifically for when i lost weight are becoming a little lose. and unfortunately... i can’t pat my belly and pretend to be a seal like i used to.

i mean, it’s not like the changes are bad or anything. i’m just so unused to them. sometimes it feels like i’m in somebody else’s body instead of my own.

idk, does anyone else feel like this?

submitted by /u/Chrysalis420
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