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Weight Loss for Everyone: Helping a friend lose weight and get fit, need help with calorie estimation

Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Helping a friend lose weight and get fit, need help with calorie estimation

I’m helping him and making him a workout program and meal plan. Only concern is how many calories he should be eating a day to lose weight. He weighs 340, about 6’1. Estimations will say around 4000 calories to lose weight. That’s doing his BW multiplied by 12. I’ve seen the range be like 10-13 for weight loss. I’m assuming if I use a online calculator it’ll be similar. He’ll be working out 4/5 days with the plan I make up for him.

For those that have been here before, is that an accurate number to start losing weight? Or should the calories be lower? I’m not wanting to start him super low considering it’ll just be a crash. Thank you to anyone that Can help me out here. I was thinking more 3000 cals to start him off

submitted by /u/travisstannnn
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