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Weight Loss for Everyone: At least 20 (kg) in 2020

Tuesday, December 31, 2019

At least 20 (kg) in 2020

So... I'm starting here with an ALT account I want to dedicate soley to my weightloss. You know the drill - new year, new me, yadayada.

In 2019 I crossed the 40 (age-wise) and I found it's not as bad as I thought. One advantage is for sure that I tend to give less shit about what other people think of me, and I think that's a big pro. I also lost a little in 2019 - around 10 kg to be precise, which is no big deal since I have to lose way more, but has been a good start to realize what does work for me and what doesn't.

My weight has always been tied to my mental health issues - depression and anxiety (this is why I decided to have an alt for this). I overeat for stress, comfort, and to reward myself. I don't have access to therapy at the moment, so I need to tackle this on my own right now. I know it's not ideal, but I think it's better to try make a change on my own than not even trying at all. I do realize that when I take better care of myself (eat less shit, move more), it not only helps my body, but also my mind.

Now I've been thinking about plans and goals. I want to lose at least 20 kg (44 lbs), but 40 kg (88 lbs) would be awesome. To achieve this, I want to build habbits, because I know those will help me once the motivation has left me. The things I want to focus on are:

1.) Logging everything I eat in MFP before I eat it - I can have everything but I MUST log it
2.) Go for a 60 min. walk every day
3.) Go to the gym 3 times a week (1 h weight training and 1 h cardio)
4.) Meal Planning & Meal Prep to avoid eating out and saving money and calories (the "good thing" is that my favourite delivery service closed down, so this might actually be easy to achieve)
5.) 18:6 IF with a calorie intake from 1300 kcal to 1600 kcal, not Keto but low(ish) carb
6.) Drink more water - I drink a lot of Coke Zero and I know it's not ideal. I want to introduce at least 1 l of water each day for the first 3 months and then upping it while lowering my intake of Coke Zero.

I'm also going to start a blog to keep me busy and distract me from watching Netflix and eating and of course also to document my journey. I hope I can share some progress pictures with you over the course of the year.

Let's do this!

submitted by /u/moxietemple
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