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Weight Loss for Everyone: So, this year I decided not to wait for New Year to make a resolution.

Tuesday, December 31, 2019

So, this year I decided not to wait for New Year to make a resolution.

[My progress](

Best decision I ever made!

For the past 3 years, it was always my New Year's resolution to lose weight. But my plans never quite took off. After all the holiday splurgefest, I just no longer had the will to quit sugar/carbs and exercise.

When I tried dieting in the middle of the year, it was actually easier!

I'm 29M, 5'6". I went from 80kgs to 60kgs within 6 months. I'm doing the ketogenic diet, which consists only of meat and green leafy veggies, with absolutely no sugar/carbs.

It was really tough at first, because like most Filipinos, I love really, really loved rice. But now, I don't even miss it!

My exercise schedule is 30mins of running daily, 4x a week. Plus some crunches after running. I've been strictly sticking to this regimen for 6 months.

The past two weeks though, I couldn't resist splurging on cakes and sweets 😭. But, fortunately, my weight didn't seem to change.

I hope to get back on track TOMORROW! I can't get addicted to sugar again!

submitted by /u/PapaDragonPH
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