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Weight Loss for Everyone: How to get started

Saturday, December 28, 2019

How to get started

So... I finally got myself to write down whats on my mind the past few months. If you are not interested in my story, you can skip to the TL;DR part at the bottom.

I'm 28, around 1.9m (~6 ft 2), and currently 109kg (~240 lbs). And I'm past the point where I can just ignore where my body is going.

I always had kind of a small belly, some man boobs, but I was okay with that. But ever since mid 2018, everything went to hell. Starting on vacation in 2018, I got severe back problems. These accompanied me till mid 2019, where I got surgery (note, the back problems where not weight related, but job related). The rest of 2019 was pretty much dedicated to rehab. So here we are ; end of 2019, and I'm just a bit past the point where I am allowed to do sports again.

Before my back problems, I was able to keep my weight steady. A bit to much, yes, but at least I was not gaining. But with the inability to move freely, I gained heavily. In numbers, around 19kg (~41 lbs) since 2018.

Now as food goes, I do take good care what to eat. I cook a lot, and a very good understanding of what makes food good or bad nutrition wise. I did calories counting a few years back, that helped a lot, and gave me a good insight on where calories are hidden. Ofc, there is the occasional trip to a fast food joint, but that happens really rarely.

The kicker is the fact, that I barely move at all. I have a desk job, which means sitting all day (hence, back problems. See above). I don't do any exercises. I tried some, but nothing really stuck with me. What really annoys me is the fact, that my overall body condition prevents me from doing any own-weight exercises at home. For example, I would like to do push-ups. However, I can neither keep my back straight (muscles not strong enough), nor can my arms hold my weight.

What pushed me over the edge was the very simple fact, that my clothes just start to not fit anymore. For the holidays, instead of wearing a shirt, I wore a sweater. You get the idea.

TL; DR; I really really need to get in shape again. I'm confident that I got my nutrition intake sorted, and now am looking how to get into exercising. My overall fitness and stamina is pretty low, and I can't even do one push-up.

I do have (via work) some fitness card thing, that allows me visit a lot of different places for free (gyms, baths, etc.). But so far I was unmotivated and simply did not have a plan what to go for. I'm not afraid to go to the gym ; in fact, I did that as part of my back rehab.

So, anyone here who can give me a hand, how to get in shape again? My main concern is getting started, and then loosing motivation....

submitted by /u/Kernle32DLL
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