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Weight Loss for Everyone: Okokokok here we go

Sunday, December 29, 2019

Okokokok here we go

Okokokokok. First time poster on mobile and all that. Forgive me if I accidentally break some rules.

I have on and off gone up and down in weight for the last 8 years. Peak health for me was 2015 when I was training to go into the Navy. I’m 5”6 was 158 pounds and super in shape doing tire flipping and all that jazz.

Got married got pregnant and gained 100 pounds total (260 at my heaviest). I’ve lost and gained in 20 pound increments since. The lowest I’ve gotten since having a baby is 200. I am now 230.

I’ve not been very pleased with my diet or exercise and I know I’ve been making excuses. I need to set a good example for my 2 year old and I need to feel comfortable in my own skin. So time to do it. I’ve got my running clothes set out, my wireless headphones charged, and my alarm set. I’m going on a run. I’m done making excuses and I’m done being healthy for 2 weeks only to fall right back out of it.

Even if I walk around the living room for 10 minutes, that’s more than what I’m doing now. Time to get up and move.

submitted by /u/historysmedium
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