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Weight Loss for Everyone: Husband told to stop dieting since it isn't working and makes me miserable

Monday, December 30, 2019

Husband told to stop dieting since it isn't working and makes me miserable

So that was really tough to hear today. But I have a very unhealthy relationship with food. And I completely lack any kind of self-control around it. If I'm not eating I'm thinking about eating. And believe me I work a ton I have a ton of hobbies and I can still manage to overeat every single day. Absolutely nothing takes my mind off of it.

And it's only in the last 10 years when I hit menopause that I was actually overweight so I've never had to deal with this in my entire life I've always been able to eat what I wanted and it's only when my metabolism change drastically that I had to go down this road.

Yes I'm pre-diabetic and according to the Libre app I am obese.

For two years I have been counting calories using lose it and it is the only thing that is keeping my weight from spiraling completely out of control. But my last two years has basically been lose a few pounds gained it back lose a few pounds gained it back I've never managed to lose more than 10 lb and I always gain it back.

I am primarily doing cico. I get in about 4000 steps a day. I started my own business so I pretty much work 7 days a week because I can't afford to have any employees.

To say that I am stressed and upset about this is the understatement of the year. I don't really know what to do. I want to lose the weight and I try to lose the weight but obviously I'm not trying hard enough.

And I miserable about it all the time and I don't enjoy food at all anymore. Knowing that every single day no matter how much I try no matter how many entries I make in the calorie counter it just won't make a difference drives me absolutely insane.

This isn't really where I expected to be at my age I guess this post is more venting than anything else. I really appreciate having this sub and being able to talk openly like this which I can't do with my husband when I try and explain it he just gets really angry and frustrated.

submitted by /u/audible_narrator
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