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Weight Loss for Everyone: How will I know when to adjust my calorie intake?

Tuesday, December 31, 2019

How will I know when to adjust my calorie intake?

35F, 5’0, 164lbs here. I started getting really serious about a month and a half ago about losing weight. My drinking was a huge factor in my weight and I’m currently 45 days sober because I want to get healthy. I started seeing a trainer 2x a week and a month or so ago I got a fitbit and started tracking my calories along with working out most days I don’t see my trainer. I sit a lot with my commute and at work so I’ve been consuming 1,200 calories a day. I do mostly strength training/lifting weights with some light cardio. So far in the past month I’ve lost 10.5lbs which I’m ecstatic about. I’m feeling stronger and more confident which is great! My title is the question. Do I adjust my calories when I hit a plateau? Or since I’m working out nearly everyday start sooner? I’m eating high protein low carb which I find really easy. I somedays don’t even have an appetite to eat the whole 1,200 calories. I did the BMR calculator and that’s how many calories it said I should be consuming. I’m supposed to be going on a vacation in a couple of months and want to keep losing weight.

Also anyone get runners knee? My right knee has always been weaker due to an old injury so I’ve switched to using the elliptical because it’s easier on it and use sports tape for support. I pan on bringing this up with my trainer on Saturday but any exercises/stretches that can help it?


submitted by /u/Slutasaurus_rex
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