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Weight Loss for Everyone: No longer considered obese, just overweight!

Monday, December 30, 2019

No longer considered obese, just overweight!

Closing in on a solid 3 weeks of macro budgeting and I've lost 11 lbs. I just averaged my last weeks weight (I weigh every morning and then average at the end of the week because of fluctuation) and I am officially no longer considered obese by my weight. I'm still obese as far as my BMI is concerned but I'm just ONE point away from just having a high BMI instead. I'm pretty proud of myself and all of this has been done without going to the gym or exercising at all. Saturday I was feeling pretty crappy emotionally (I started a fight with my husband and then my pride wouldn't let me apologize so I was miserable) and didn't feel like eating anything but pizza. My soul wanted pizza so I fed myself a whole small extra cheese pizza. It. Tasted. So. Good. Sunday my body paid for it though, not by my weight but because my stomach was not happy. Today I had some appointments in the city and ended up eating a donut, no regrets and I'll continue eating what I've prepped for the rest of the day. Also, it's been 3 weeks without my beloved Mountain Dew. I've been having some distorted thinking regarding my calorie restriction so allowing myself to eat these things is a good thing in my eyes.

Wednesday will begin week 4 and that's when I'll start working out again; lifting weights 5-6 times a week with moderate cardio alternating throughout. I'm excited and nervous and also dreading Wednesday morning all at the same time. Starting out sucks. Especially since 10 months ago I was deadlifting in the 200s and managed to squat 255 lbs for one. And my poor bench that I finally broke 115 lbs with is just a pleasant memory, sigh. BUT I'm excited because I love working out and it's added quality time with my husband. And noob gainz are a real, beautiful thing.

I have 213 days (or 30.5 weeks) to reach my first goal of 140, but to be honest I'd be happy with 150. That's just a pound a week. Totally doable. I just want to have the body I had when I met my husband for our first wedding anniversary. I want to be strong and look strong, not like we should be picking out baby names (I hold all my extra weight in my tum and neck, everything else looks skinny).

My second goal is to have even the slightest outline of abs by this time next year.

submitted by /u/its_pacie
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