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Weight Loss for Everyone: Starting and this time it’s for real!

Saturday, December 28, 2019

Starting and this time it’s for real!

[39, M, 135kg, 178cm]

I’ve been overweight (read obese) for ever... in my early 20s I nearly got down to me ideal weight and since then it’s just been up and I’ve plateaued at my current weight for maybe 10 years.

But this is the year. Time to focus on me instead of work and other stuff. Had crazy anxiety last year and I think this might help with that and fitness and everything else.

I want to get to under 100kg this year, feel fitter and be able to choose clothes more easily!

The help and motivation on this sub is amazing! Based on tons of stuff I’ve read here I’m simply going for a calorie counting system, with a pretty heavy deficit to begin with. But not cutting out stuff I like. I’ll also be doing some exercise, which I do anyways.

I can’t give up drinking socially with my friends or I’ll just disappear. So I’ll be counting those calories in and planning accordingly.

All snacks gone from the house, no snacking at the office either, will ask my colleagues to help.

I ride my bike 10 mins to work everyday and play some sport occasionally, which I’ll be increasing. Will try the couch to 5km running plan again and hope for no injuries!

I would love to share this journey with you guys and hopefully it gives me the motivation to keep going this time.

Much love to all and a Happy New Year!

submitted by /u/lukesbluemilk
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