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Weight Loss for Everyone: Little late, but here's my 1 month update!

Friday, July 2, 2021

Little late, but here's my 1 month update!

Stats: 31/f/ 5'1"/ SW: 180lb/CW:175lb/GW:165 (for now)

Alright folks, dropped off for a little bit there. I've been working crazy hours and my scale's fancy battery died so I hadn't been able to weigh myself until today. I guess I have some feelings about it.

Overall I'm proud of the progress, but I can see areas I need to improve on, but why does it have to be so sloooow. I've never been a patient person and I worry about going too hard and triggering a binge/bad week. I've been SO GOOD about putting every calorie into MFP, staying under 1500/cal a day, and eating healthier substitutions to the things I do over indulge in. Switching pita for all bread, making steamed broccoli with a little garlic salt when I crave fries, applesauce instead of ice cream have been huuuuge calorie savers, and I'm finding I don't miss the other stuff too much. Also, great news, I found out the grilled fish tacos at work are 400 cal when rounding up! I'm so stoked we have a healthy option that isn't fucking salad. No offense to salad lovers, I eat at least one every few days, but I prefer to get my veggies elsewhere.

I've also been more active, I've been doing a 20 min workout on YouTube before work every night, and a 10 min yoga routine when I get home. I'm enjoying it a bit, looking forward to getting stronger. Ideally I'd like to get back into running, but I gotta be kind on my knees first. I did go swimming with my friend at the local pool last week and signed up for more slots in the future. My dog and I walk first and last thing every day, overall I walk around 14000 steps a day.

I know that I'm doing a lot and I can't just demand my body to snap back immediately because I'm finally treating it well, but, ugh. Wouldn't that be nice? Just trying to breathe, drink more water, and take it day by day. I'd like to reduce my daily calorie budget even more (MFP suggest 1350/day) but I think that's just asking for trouble at this point. If I start competing with myself, I'll lose, hands down. I do worry that I have three whole days off soon that it will give me more of an opportunity to be lazy and binge, so I wrote a grocery list/meal plan for those days (ribs, corn, cucumber pita sandwiches) so hopefully it's a non issue? Might be posting again in a few days if it is an issue...

Again. I'm proud that I lost 5 pounds in one month of work. I'm happy with my choices and and still focused on my goal. It is a lot closer that I think it is. At least this first hurdle.

Thanks for reading!

submitted by /u/daceywanted2dance
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