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Weight Loss for Everyone: A month of progress, 17lbs, and an 11pm pizza.

Friday, July 2, 2021

A month of progress, 17lbs, and an 11pm pizza.

I made my accountability post a little over four weeks ago, and couldn't decide when I wanted to post a full update, but I've just fallen to my very first "binge" and decided now is the time.

I've been having an okay time wiith it all, overall. I haven't gone over 2000 calories, I've been fasting until my big meal of the day, I've been walking 5 times a week, I've had a maximum of one can of pop per day, and I've dropped 17lbs.

It's not all been great. I spoke to my doctor earlier today because about 3-4 days in, I started a light period/spotting, and it basically hasn't stopped (I have suspected endometriosis and take Cerazette mainly for that reason). I need to go for swabs and a pelvic scan. I've had a couple of spells where I've been just hungry for several days at a time. I'm still reading about what feels like everyone else talking about how much better they feel, and I kind of overall feel like crap still, haha. Maybe 100 more lbs first?

And I just caved and ordered pizza and wedges for the first time. I've had treats during the last (almost) 6 weeks, but they've been completely planned for, and fit into my calorie budget. This was an "It's late, I'm hungry, and fuck it, I'm eating pizza" thing. I decided I was just gonna take the hit.

It arrived. I inhaled the wedges. I started on the pizza. I decided I was gonna drink another can of pop.

I got a few slices into the pizza. I decided that, actually, I really don't need to eat all of this. I could save half of the pizza for tomorrow. I could eat it right now, but I really don't need to.

I didn't. My big "binge" was 500 calories over my goal and some choices I don't want to make too often.

It was really nice. I feel good. I think I've got this.

submitted by /u/282anddown
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