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Weight Loss for Everyone: Frustrated college student

Friday, July 30, 2021

Frustrated college student

When I (F 5’5) came to college I was 125 pounds and looked really thin because I have a lot of muscle. I was skinnier than my usual 135 because of a breakup.

I’m about to start my sophomore year at 145 pounds and I feel so bad about myself. I’m scared of what everyone will think about me and gaining weight. I know it’s not too much and I’m still healthy, but my problem is I just can’t seem to get started with losing weight. It feels like a hopeless process and I get discouraged, because I know it will take a few months. It’s like I have no patience even though I want to lose!!

I do know how to lose weight, I have in the past, but do you have advice for confidence and getting over a mental block for starting? I feel like I just get in my head like “well it’s gonna take so long, well I don’t look THAT bad, I’m not overweight,” etc and then I binge eat and feel even worse. I just want to be happy in my body again :(

Literally any comment is appreciated. Thank you so much.

submitted by /u/RepresentativeRoof38
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