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Weight Loss for Everyone: NSV: At the gym, my boyfriend didn't recognize me I his peripheral vision!

Wednesday, July 28, 2021

NSV: At the gym, my boyfriend didn't recognize me I his peripheral vision!

27F, 5'5", SW: 170, HW: 187, CW: 144, GW: 130?(Whatever weight I am when my stomach is flat)

I've been stuck between 148 and 143 for about 8 months now. However, I've dropped 1.5 pants sizes in that time (I've finally been able to add real exercise after 1.5 years of not being able to do any cardio because of stress fractures in my feet). Since May, I've been able to run for the first time in 2 years and it feels great! I don't worry about the scale much anymore. I just worry about clothes fitting better and to one day have a flat stomach.

When my boyfriend and I go to the gym, we usually don't do any exercises together (by choice, we like to do different things). I came to the gym a little later than him today and got on a treadmill that placed me in his peripheral vision (I just chose one in front of a TV I wanted to watch). After I got home, he said, "I didn't recognize you on the treadmill today when I just saw you in my peripherals." I responded saying that was one of the best compliments he's ever given me! He's been a huge influence in my weight loss and has always been brutally honest. We've been dating for a little over 1.5 years so far and these types of compliments are so nice!

Keep working everyone! Not having to worry about what you look like in clothes or pictures is truly liberating!

submitted by /u/Honeydew4Dayz
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