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Weight Loss for Everyone: Struggling to lose weight while in ED recovery.

Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Struggling to lose weight while in ED recovery.

I’ve struggled with disordered eating since I was 10 years old. Growing up with an anorexic mother, I never learned what “normal” food habits were, and it has now become what will be a lifelong problem for me. I began recovery about 2 years ago, and my weight got to its highest point at 220 pounds. I ended up losing all that weight, but not in the healthiest way possible, and I got down to 175 pounds (I am 5 foot 7). However, I was still in active ED, and 9 months ago I finally made the commitment to break free from my addiction. Fast forward to now, and I have not lost any more weight, but would still like to lose some in a healthy way. I find that I cannot count calories because I become obsessive and restrict too much, so CICO is unfortunately not in the cards for me. Luckily, I actually eat very well because I eat completely plant-based due to food allergies. Long story short, I need help finding a balance that I’m not sure is attainable for me, and I would appreciate any advice someone could offer.

submitted by /u/cranky_crouton
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