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Weight Loss for Everyone: Needing a bit of guidance/support

Friday, July 30, 2021

Needing a bit of guidance/support

I'm sorry that sounds so needy but I've been frustrated for too long and don't have anyone else to chat to! Serial yo-yoer but have been on my best, and mentally healthiest, nutrition and fitness journey.

I have lost 25lbs since starting in February, alot of water weight as I'm keto (it's where I feel my best). I love the initial all over debloat when I am treating my body good but I have not budged for a few weeks-scale and mirror/measurements. Especially my stomach, it is disproportionately fat, and with all the yo-yoing, quite flabby.

I recently started cutting down cardio from moderate running and HIIT with weights to about 2 hours of walking a day and focusing on lifting (started listening to MindPump).

Always in a calorie defecit between 100-500 not including workout calories. I don't want to have higher than 20% deficit but eating closer to maintenance since lifting isn't helping any.

Stats: 35F 5'5 SW:171 CW:147 GW:127

TLDR; Scale and measurements not moving (actually have gained a couple) switched from more cardio/HIIT to no high rate cardio and more lifting. Deficit of 10-20%. Stomach is the main issue! Is cardio as bad as they say or should I go back to HIIT then focus on building muscle once I've slimmed down further?

Thank you so much for any (kind) advice and personal testimonies!

submitted by /u/NobleNutmeg
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