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Weight Loss for Everyone: frequent backpain since loosing a lot of weight

Thursday, July 29, 2021

frequent backpain since loosing a lot of weight

so 2 years ago i decided to start to loose weight, i was almost 400 pounds, and honestly never had such back pain when i was that big till now, i lost over 200 pounds in 2 years, i did this with mainly a lot of cardio exercise and dieting, i ran, biked, used stationary bikes and treadmills since then during the last year i notice i start getting sore easily, mostly my back, i notice standing for long periods of time and sitting long periods of time id start do get really bad back pain at the mid back or lower back, my job requires me to stand alot and i worked the same job when i was really big, the issue when i was big wasn't really much back pain from standing but feet and legs being sore and tired. i have a healthy diet that i been using since i use to see a nutritionist, i take daily vitamins , i seen a doctor for my back pain and gotten xrays and they found nothing wrong with my spine.

submitted by /u/daryraider101
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