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Weight Loss for Everyone: Confused about “calories earned” from exercising

Thursday, July 29, 2021

Confused about “calories earned” from exercising

So my BMR is around 3100, and the app I’m using to count calories has a goal of 2115 calories to lose 2 lbs a week.

My confusion starts because I exercise 5 days a week, and wear an Apple Watch that’s synced to the app, and the app is giving me what (to me) seem like crazy numbers of extra calories earned.

Now I’ve done my research and this watch is supposedly hella accurate when it comes to how much calories I burn in a day.. however as an example, for Wednesday my app says that my target calorie burn was 3115, and the adjusted calorie burn was 5188??? So it gave me an extra 2k calories to fit in my diet.. I’m overweight but I’m athletic and go hard on my workouts, but still……

I just have no clue how to view this information. Should I be eating some calories back or still only eat the 2100? I’m always hungry but i mean, im tall and big so im supposed to be always hungry lol.. It seems like BS to me, it says I burned 801 calories at the gym on that day, is that a normal number for exercising?

So sorry for the giant post just didn’t know where to turn. All insight is appreciated.

Edit: I saw the FAQ, and the part about eating back calories, my problem and concern is that we’re not talking a couple hundred calories here or there, but literal thousands per day. And I’m still learning calorie counting.

submitted by /u/zczirak
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