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Weight Loss for Everyone: How to keep motivated over the winter?

Friday, July 2, 2021

How to keep motivated over the winter?

I’m in the Southern Hemisphere where it is currently winter. (Disclaimer - I’m not complaining in general, I’d much rather be cool than boiling hot). Where I live I find it easy to get motivated in the summer, in fact from January to April I lost 12 kilos this year by cutting out some things (candy, fizzy, red meat) and exercising everyday. In the evening I would stop after one serving of dinner and either go for a walk or a swim. When it’s nice outside and the sun is out until 9pm there’s nothing to stop me.

However I haven’t lost anything since it started getting cooler/early sunset in May. It starts to get dark at 430 here now. I’ve let myself eat junk again and I’ve been having seconds of dinner and not getting out after dinner when it’s dark and cold. I know what I should be doing, but I feel like I’m so much hungrier and tired in the winter. I do play indoor team sports twice a week but at the moment they’re just an excuse to eat more on those days. I need some motivation and some creative solutions... anyone got any laying around? ;)

submitted by /u/Fuzzy_Pukeko
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