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Weight Loss for Everyone: Falsely diagnosed with an eating disorder and “treatment” made me go from fit to obese. Please help!

Thursday, July 1, 2021

Falsely diagnosed with an eating disorder and “treatment” made me go from fit to obese. Please help!

When I was 12 I feel in love with running and I became vegan at 14 because of ethical reasons, my mom got so angry at me cause I lost weight (I was overweight/chubby as a child and my mom loved it!) now that I was slim she didn’t liked me and since she was severe anxiety she took me with a doctor who gave me a bunch of psychiatric medication with the intent of making me gain weight even tho I was eating enough and healthy. They wanted me bigger.

The over doses of psychiatric drugs made me develop a neurological condition called toxic encephalopathy plus a thyroid condition which both had made me obese due to inability to exercise (I was a marathon runner and swimmer, now I am not medically allowed to do much exercise if at all) plus my metabolism is slowed cause I have treatment resistant thyroid disease, also triggered by an autoimmune reaction to the drugs.

I am so angry at my mom and doctors for doing this to me just because I loved running. I was okay. If at all they should have made me reduce running (which they did) but not drug me, specially since I was healthy and eating enough, I had just fallen in love with track and field! Now i have permanent illness and don’t know what to do. I am eating 1700kcal a day and still gaining. I feel so lost.

Edit: at age 14 my height was 156cm and my weight 46kg, which is an 18.8 BMI that was when I was taken with the psychiatrist and drugged. Now I’m 19 my height is 160cm and my weight is 79kg which is a BMI of 31

submitted by /u/unfairlife_
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