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Weight Loss for Everyone: How was the dating scene improved for you guys since losing weight?

Thursday, July 1, 2021

How was the dating scene improved for you guys since losing weight?

I’m currently on my weight loss journey as I posted here recently (now lost 33 pounds)

One point I made is I am partly doing this for a higher chance of dating girls. I’ll be honest I don’t bother going on dates because its always a no whenever I ask out a girl and I know it’s because of my obese self.

Because of this, I have insecurities about my self-worth asking myself why do I even bother talking to others if I can’t get a date. I had to decide to take initiative sooner or later about my weight. 33 pounds down and I feel more confident every day about my own self-improvement even if I still have a long way to go. Just yesterday a random guy at a gym gave me a thumbs up for pushing myself while doing curls. I still haven’t forgot about that person and think to myself that this will all be worth it soon.

I have to understand losing weight isn’t a guarantee of getting a date for any girl I talk to, but I know my odds will be higher if I lose a lot more weight, especially getting myself out of obesity. Would make a great ice-breaker.

How is the dating situation for your guys?

submitted by /u/FlamingNate559
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