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Weight Loss for Everyone: After years of failed attempts, making reasons/excuses and a visit to the most aggressive doctor I've ever visited, I'm finally sufficiently motivated to make a change. But.. I need help.

Friday, July 2, 2021

After years of failed attempts, making reasons/excuses and a visit to the most aggressive doctor I've ever visited, I'm finally sufficiently motivated to make a change. But.. I need help.

The title says most of it. After dealing with a very infrequent irregular heartbeat issue over the course of the last few years, my girlfriend asked me to visit the doctor to have it checked out. The doctor, probably tired of seeing people like me, made it exceptionally clear that the strange heartbeat issue is tied to my weight and my sleep apnea. She said, in no sugarcoated terms, that if I don't change now, the next thing I can expect to encounter is heart failure. So.. yeah. I left there with a splitting headache and terrifying fear..

.. Which brings me here. I've done the whole 'do every fad diet for a while, see small results (or not) and drop off' as well as trying to make some sort of meaningful life change and encountering difficulties and falling off the wagon for some reason or another. The most weight I've ever lost is 70lbs doing a hospital meal replacement program that was awful for so many reasons. Doesn't mean I wouldn't do it again, but I moved many times since then and am nowhere near there anymore.

So.. what all this means is that.. I need help. Anyone who has been successful in their journey, how did you do it? I know the whole 'calories in/calories out' concept, but my issue is that I have *no* willpower. That's always been my downfall. Eventually, I'll have a bad day or I'll get super depressed and mindlessly order some pizza or drive out into the night and order $30 worth of stuff at McDonalds and eat until I get sick.. then the next day becomes 'well, I already messed it up now, no reason why I shouldn't have XYZ'. I've got to believe someone on here has been in my shoes and I hope they'll be willing to share their tips for how I can make this happen.

I'm already on the path towards bariatric surgery (just starting, spoke with my PCP and they're getting me in contact with the bariatric team at their hospital group) and I'm going to do whatever it takes to make it happen so I can be successful. But I could use *any* help anyone here is willing to provide. Please?

submitted by /u/KosstDukat
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