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Weight Loss for Everyone: Wondering how to get back on the horse and need some college help.

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Wondering how to get back on the horse and need some college help.

What’s up loseit, I’m a frequent lurker but this is my first time posting. Anyways, from my junior year of high school, I lost 40 pounds going from 225 to 185 pounds. It was probably the greatest accomplishment of my life, and I felt amazing in my body. I could play all my sports so much better, and felt better about myself. I kept the weight off during senior year and stayed right in the 185-190 range, which was awesome and I was proud of my consistency.

Then, college hit. At first, I started off fine in college. I came home around mid october and gained about 5 pounds, weighing in around 191. Nothing alarming, just needed an easy fix. After that, nothing got better. By thanksgiving break, I skyrocketed up to 199 pounds, and when I got home 4 days ago for christmas break, I had broken the 200 pound barrier (which I’d promise i’d never let happen again) and weighed in at 204.

It’s definitely frustrating to watch my hard work evaporate in one semester. I need some tips on how to get back on the horse. I know I can do it again, but I need that extra push. I’d also love some advice on how to handle dorm food. I realize I need to cut down on my alcohol intake next semester, but how should I handle dorm food? That was also an issue. I tried my best at first, but by the end of the semester I was grabbing burgers and burritos for all my meals and getting flex meals late at night. I realize I need to cut that out. There are no ways to know the calorie amounts of the food there, which also frustrated me. I live and die by myfitnesspal, so I gave up on it when I realized it was of no use.

Anyways, looking for some help from my fellow lose it friends. Help me get after it!

submitted by /u/HawkeyeInNebraska
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