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Weight Loss for Everyone: Rucking

Thursday, December 26, 2019


Hey there loseit

I've recently been through a high stress period at work where I've relied a bit too much on food and computer games as the stress relief. I've prob gained 20kg+ over the last few months. Indian (Garam Masala + Garlic naan <3) /Thai Takeout for lunch and ice cream and beer for dinner.I've been considering getting a gopro to recording my rucking sessions to help introduce newbies to it.

Anyone with a decent backpack that can hold a few kilos can join and the style of workout has helped me before. It's not about me being hauling X kilos for Y distance.

Mentally it is about me against this heavy backback and I'm gonna haul this fucker all the way home. All of my experience of physical education in school etc has put me in last place. And in a way "fuck this heavy fucker" mentality, rucking has reversed that into me into a battle of me vs this backpack that has made the in the moment mentality way easier.

I'm a young guy (27 now) and I started with a 16kg backpack of waterbottles and hoodies. Start with whatever weight you feel comfy with. I'm no scientist or super experienced user but 10% of body weight minimum should be doable for all. I'm usually listening to music/podcasts/audiobooks but the pacing should allow you to bring a friend to keep a conversation with. If you can do that please do that would be awesome. Getting stronger and more fit togheter is the endgame goal.

My question for this post would there be anyone interested in watching Swedish/Scandinavian waterside/woodlands in rucking speed + Statistics post? If we can create a rucking team or something like it, it would be awesome. My goal is to pick up at previous levels at start at 20kg-ish backpack load.

Most of reddit is American so I know plenty of military veterans around should be able to weigh in on the numbers. Rucking is a crucial parts of all sections of any army which should be a good indicator of a good benefit.

I am ~130kg male. 27 years old. Done about 140km rucking with 16-24g backpack over the previous year but almost 2 months of no training in Nov/Dec. My personal goal is attending a Milruck event in the Autumn/Winter of 2020., If possible I'll record it with blurring etc. is essentially a mock ranger Style military unit entrance test.

Anyhow if you're looking to really improve yourself, loseit is the way. Diet first then give rucking a try. Military does it for a good reason.

I've looked at several calorie counting websites but most seem to suggest a 20-50% increase in burn rate assuming you bring a suffecient weight and walk a varied trail. My experience from different apps is 30%+ increase from a normal walk.

January is the highligh season for gym owners but loosing weight is as easy as doing more and eating better. You're not going to turn you life around 180 degreees without superhuman willpower and that is okay. Those who can, Holy shit you're good.

submitted by /u/Zirda
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