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Weight Loss for Everyone: I got Ring Fit Adventure for the switch today.

Thursday, December 26, 2019

I got Ring Fit Adventure for the switch today.

First off, hello r/loseit. Long story short. I was fat since I was 5. Lost a shit ton of weight in high school, gained most of it back by the end of college. Gained even more after college. Depression, tragic life events out of my control, abusive relationships bla bla bla etc. One million excuses later and I have my mental health back on track. Great new job. Happy healthy relationships. Time to put my health back into my control.

This game is fun as hell and it totally kicked my ass. I highly recommend it. I'm excited to restart my journey to a healthier me. I'm going to Jamaica to be a bridesmaid in my best friends wedding in 6 months and I want to feel as happy and healthy as possible for it.

So yeah. I recommend this game a lot. I'm already excited to play it some more tomorrow.

I just hope I can stay motivated. I lost nearly 100 pounds in the past. I can do that again.

That's all. Hope this post doesn't break any rules. Bye now!

submitted by /u/dykeamirite
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