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Weight Loss for Everyone: Feeling alone and helpless in losing weight. I can do exercise easily, but dieting is almost impossible for me.

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Feeling alone and helpless in losing weight. I can do exercise easily, but dieting is almost impossible for me.


25M 6'2" 205 lbs Daily weightlifting, 3x cardio per week. Absolute shit diet with no structure

Weight Loss Journey: Progress Pic album that hopefully works and highlights body changes.

21 years old (2015) ---> 255 lbs (highest weight)

24 years old (2016-2018) ---> 185 lbs (lowest weight)

25 years old (2018-2019) ---> 205 lbs (current weight)

The majority of the 70 lbs lost in the year of 2016-17 were almost entirely due to intermittent fasting. IF helped get the amount I was eating under control, and slowly began to lose weight without even realizing it. Still in school during this time, still depressed. Doing almost no weight training at this point, as I was too self conscious to go to the gym at school. By about fall of 2017 I was down to hovering around 185, but I still hated the way I looked due to lack of muscle tone.

As I lost more weight, I started getting more comfortable with myself and began going out more. Then around January of 2018 I tore my meniscus and lost most of the cartilage in my knee. I was fed up and realized that had I been lifting weights and increasing flexibility, it never would have happened. So I started going to the gym. I was weak and felt like an idiot loading up a bar with 25 lb plates for benching, but I kept to it as much as possible, but never made constant progress due to set backs every couple of weeks. Starting out, I straight up could not squat. My long legs and short torso made the conventional wisdom for squatting almost impossible. Coupled with terrible ankle dorsiflexion, and I would tip over constantly. But slowly but surely I started advancing again.

Then depression hit around fall of 2018 and I lost a lot of progress, stopped working out, stopped eating healthy, and put on about 20 lbs over winter. I was making steps towards liking the way I looked, but this set me way back.

Now we come to the past 3 months of 2019. I dropped out of engineering school to pursue other interests, and made the decision that I want to look better. This past year I've started performing in musicals, and it has driven me to want to be better in every way, and now I want to work out to enhance the presence that I have onstage.

These pictures show me currently, from back in September, until a couple of days ago. I already have seen major growth in my arms, chest, and legs. I just want to start really losing the body fat, so I can wear properly fitting clothes that actually accentuate my butt. Also I need to grow my butt. It's the downside of having long skinny legs. I've also increased my flexibility and have recently set tons of PRs with weights I'd only fantasized about lifting and it feels really good. My current weightlifting goals mainly are focused around being able to lift and move other people.

Thoughts on my Journey

It's been about a 5 year process of me losing weight and getting slightly closer to a place I want to be, but I feel I've hit a wall for the past few months and I feel unable to make the full athletic transition I'd like. And part of that, I feel, is that I've been almost completely alone in doing it. The initial weight loss was inspired by a break up and realizing how horrible I'd gotten, but hardest of all, was I didn't have anyone I could talk to about it or work out with, or talk about recipes with, and I've made progress and fallen back multiple times due to any lack of accountability or community.

And now I'm at a point in life where I'm trying to be a performer, and I want to not only look my best, but have the stamina and ability to dance and sing. So I finally decided I wanted to go all in with fitness about a month and a half ago, and have been to the gym 6 days a week, and haven't missed a day since. I'm trying to do a body recomposition phase and emerge with muscle and lose the last bits of fat, but I lack so much ability to plan out a meal plan and keep myself doing it. I struggle a lot with OCD and ADHD and completely shut myself down when it comes to macros, meal planning, nutrient timing, etc, and having to clean dishes and reorganize everything and trying to find a system that works fills me with panic and dread, and even just thinking about it now makes my heart rate spike. I tend to have an obsessive fixation with permutations and all the different ways I could arrange a set of things, so coming up with a grocery list can take me days just thinking of every thing I could buy to make a recipe, and I end up accomplishing nothing and just stopping at a gas station time and time again.

Basically, this is just a cry for help after feeling alone and isolated for years, and I desperately want to be better. I look at myself and don't like what I see only because I know I could be better. I'm genetically lucky to have a body frame that would look amazing if I could just get my eating under control. But all I want is to just feel confident and comfortable to start dressing how I want, and dancing how I want, and performing how I want, but I, myself, am the biggest obstacle.

Is there anyone who has any simple plans to start slowly incorporating healthy meals and snacks into the day? How the everloving FUCK am I supposed to get 200 grams of protein a day if I don't want to be constantly cooking and eating chicken? Are there any communities to help with this? How do I eat more vegetables, especially in breakfast meals or when I can't cook them? How do you store foods? What can and can't be stored in efficient ways? It's all these questions I've been to afraid to ask and that completely derail me from making progress. I'm just not good enough to answer these on my own through reading materials, without being able to just talk with people about it. I know so much of the theory of what to eat, and fully understand what I should be doing differently, but I just don't know the logistics of how to get it done. It's simple to say eat in a deficit, eat more protein, eat fruits and vegetables, but actually doing it is the hurdle I keep stumbling into.

Long story short, I watched the Witcher this week, and seeing Henry Cavill be absolutely fucking yoked awoke something in me to finally make this post and start a serious body transformation. Cause seriously. The dude looks like someone put a head on top of a door. Each of his thighs look like 2 kids in a trench coat trying to sneak into a movie. He's just absolute mass.

I really typed a lot of this in different pieces in random order, so hopefully it reads as coherent. Just gonna post now and hope for the best.

submitted by /u/Bed_Bath_and_Beefy
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