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Weight Loss for Everyone: SV, finally back in the 120’s

Thursday, July 1, 2021

SV, finally back in the 120’s

Oh lordy, here it goes. 29F, 4 feet 11. Starting weight 150(?), current weight 127, and Goal Weight (?).

So a bit of back story, the woman who calls herself my mother, decided that I was obese at 12 years old and 100 pounds. She decided to put me on a diet. That very quickly turned into starving me and making me exercise. I started sneaking food behind her back and binge eating. During the time in which I was under her roof, I was bouncing between 95-120 pounds consistently.

When I was 19 I went into the military, I was 110 pounds. And yes, because I did not learn how to eat healthy from my mother, with in a couple years I ballooned up to 150. I know that’s not a lot, but on a small frame it’s obvious.

So back in 2016/17, my BF moved for work and asked me to move with him, in order for me to do so, I had to loose weight so I could find a Unit to transfer into, and I didn’t loose it in a healthy manner. I stopped eating, and I worked out 7 days a week. Of course i gained it back.

Finally last year around October, I really looked at myself and my eating habits and the amount of self hate I had for myself and realized I needed a real change. So I got on keto, and after some trial and error and multiple macro calculators and reading and asking advice (and also being hard headed about it too), I finally found something that worked for long term.

I started eating about 1000-1300 calories, I cut my carbs to 30-50 grams, I started strength training instead of focusing on cardio, I stopped my focus on numbers on the scale or measurements. Instead I focused on how much better I felt, and how stronger I was, and my confidence level.

submitted by /u/Grumpasaur_Rex
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