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Weight Loss for Everyone: does anyone else here get constantly insulted by people as a “joke”?

Friday, July 2, 2021

does anyone else here get constantly insulted by people as a “joke”?

it feels like it’s almost socially acceptable to make fun of overweight people as long as it’s “in good fun”. this has been happening to me for YEARS, and i’m legitimately not even that overweight. (i’m about 40lbs overweight.)

for a perfect example, yesterday a coworker managed to call me a “whale” and a “pig” all within one sentence, and because it was within the context of humor, nobody batted an eye. after all, it was just a joke, right? (i looked at him judgmentally and walked away to embarrass him and make him feel like shit.)

but anyway, the point is that these people are obviously prejudiced against overweight people and they express it through humor, thinking that it’s subtle enough to be brushed off and forgiven, but i’m not going to have a civil conversation with someone who just glaringly criticized me for being fat, expecting me to take it like a bitch or even be in on the joke with them. go fuck yourself.

overweight people are used as social punching bags, and i’m sick of it. even family members have done this to me, and recently i’ve taken a pledge to call it out every single time it happens. seeing them get all flustered and embarrassed is the greatest payback, as that’s how these comments and jokes used to make me feel. i know who i am, and i know who i’m striving to be. i don’t need anyone’s input on it. :)

submitted by /u/Rushton-Babie
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