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Weight Loss for Everyone: I ran 10k today in 71 minutes, in april I couldn't run for 5 minutes solidly and I'm so proud!

Sunday, July 4, 2021

I ran 10k today in 71 minutes, in april I couldn't run for 5 minutes solidly and I'm so proud!

Usual long time lurked, first time poster - and you guys have been such am inspiration!

In lockdown, like many, I (27F) put on quite a bit of weight, this was particularly frustrating at at my heaviest in 2018 I weighed 215 lbs (very obese for my 5'1 frame), over the course of 18 months I lost 55lb and got down to 160 through diet and walking to work.

Then lockdown hit, I WFH, gyms shut and nothing to do. My diet went out the window after 3 months and I started drinking a significant amount more beer (2-4 most nights!). In jan 2021 my weight had crept up to 182lb, and I decided things needed to change.

I was still WFH Aso I started with diet. I stopped putting sugar in my coffee and stopped eating bread , swapping sandwiches/wraps at lunch for salad. I also cut the beer and switched to having a couple of Gin & slim line tonics on a weekend, and allowing myself 1 on an evening twice through the week. I also swapped crisps and sweets for fruit and chicken (like fridge raiders) and my evening meals were typically fish/chicken with rice/ air fried potatoes and veg/salad.

In April the gyms opened so I decided to join, starting for 2 weeks on the cross trainer to build stamina as i couldn't run for 5 mins. After 2 weeks I begin doi g jogging / walking alternative for 5 k. It started off mostly walking but gradually I built up to running - this took about 4-5 weeks training 3-4 times a week. I stuck to running 5ks for a few weeks until they became almost easy, and I git my time down from 40 odd mins to 34.

Today I decided to really push myself and run 10k non stop- after 8 k my upper thighs started to chafe as I run in shorts , so the last 2k was really quite uncomfortable and I'm now KNACKERED but I did it !! I also did a 20 min swim after as a cool down and stretch (just breaststroke and quite slowly, I find it really helps leave you not - achey). I currently weigh 157, and want to get down to 140, so if anyone has any other tips I would love to hear them?

Sorry for wall of text, I'm just super proud as a few months ago the thought of running solid for an hour was impossible, especially as I have MS :).

submitted by /u/kateshakes
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