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Weight Loss for Everyone: People tell us that weight fluctuates but please understand that it can fluctuate by A LOT.

Sunday, July 26, 2020

People tell us that weight fluctuates but please understand that it can fluctuate by A LOT.

I had a goal this month to lose 4 pounds. Instead, I went off track after a depressive episode triggered a few binges. I woke up to find out I had not only not lost any weight, I had gained another 5 pounds. I felt awful, but decided to get back on track. Didnt exercise, didnt starve, just had a normal lunch and dinner and made sure I drank plenty of water. The next day, I gritted my teeth and weighed myself again and, lo and behold, I was back to my regular weight and those 5 pounds were gone. One day. I feel like such an idiot for feeling so awful all day about it. Weight fluctuates by a lot, especially for women. Please keep that in mind before beating yourself up about overnight weightgain

submitted by /u/ZeraNaomi
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