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Weight Loss for Everyone: Maintenance is Frustrating

Thursday, April 2, 2020

Maintenance is Frustrating

I am 28/F/5'4.5" and have been maintaining my 70 lb weight loss for the past 9 months at 111-115 lbs. During these 9 months there has been barely any days where I am not in this weight range. That is until the pandemic started, my routine changed, I had to stop rock climbing, I stopped logging my calories, and I stress ate for 2 weeks straight. I did start weight lifting when this started and continued running, but it is really hard to lose those last couple of lbs - especially for a second time. I know I can do it, I just have to continue eating less calories than I burn. It's just going to take some time and I need to be patient.

The frustrating part for me is my TDEE is pretty low now. I ate a couple cookies, some gelato, and banana pudding today. I enjoyed it, I have been under my calories all week, I knew I was going to work out, and I ate a salad for lunch and dinner. Unfortunately, even with working out for over 2.5 hours I did not burn enough calories to make up for overeating today.

Just for reference, I ran 5.55 miles in 60 minutes, weight lifted for 90 minutes (lateral shoulder raises, push ups, hang boarding, TRX whole body workout, Squats 3x3, Skull crushers 3x10, bench press 3x3, sit ups 3x20, chest flies 3x12, military press 3x8, planks 3x60 seconds), plus an ab workout from my Garmin watch (weighted planks, swiss ball jackknife, plank with oblique crunch, V-ups, and hanging knee raise oblique crunches).

And on top of that, I know exercise calorie burns typically are highly overestimated anyways, so I'm sure I overate more than it appears. When it is all said and done, I ate 2,935 calories and Garmin is estimating I burned 2,603 calories - so I overate by 333 calories today on top of not eating in a deficit to get my weight back down to my maintenance range.

Losing weight was challenging, but maintaining has been by far harder for me. It is so easy to overeat by several hundred calories, but it is much harder to get a couple hundred calorie deficit when my TDEE is not very high to begin with.

I am still in a small deficit for the week (682 calories), and tomorrow is a new day. Thanks for letting me vent.

submitted by /u/aes628
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