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Weight Loss for Everyone: Do you gain weight more easily when deconditioned after having been fit versus never getting fit to begin with?

Sunday, April 26, 2020

Do you gain weight more easily when deconditioned after having been fit versus never getting fit to begin with?

Research shows that when you work out consistently, your body adapts to conserve energy and after a while burns fewer calories for that exercise, which can result in a weight loss plateau. So when you stop working out, can that have the opposite effect, and cause you to more easily gain weight than if you had never gotten fit to begin with? This is disregarding the fact that you will likely have lost some weight during the time you were fit or if you are eating healthier. I’m talking strictly in terms of the calories your body naturally burns, if you were to eat the same amount as a never-been-fit person versus a deconditioned person. I’ve tried to look this up online but can’t exactly figure out how to word it so nothing is showing up lol... any ideas??

submitted by /u/newsergirl
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