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Weight Loss for Everyone: Was My Friend Being an Asshole?

Monday, April 27, 2020

Was My Friend Being an Asshole?

So I’ve had a good friend of mine staying with me for the past 5 days and she just left tonight. She lives in another state right now and we’ve had a long-distance friendship for a little over one year now after having had lived in the same area all of our lives.

I was super excited for her to come visit me. And we did have a lot of fun besides what I’m about to talk about. This is one of those friends that you have a lot of deep personal conversations with and also a lot of silly goofy ones and joking around.

Something happened though on the first day we reunited when she set foot in my apartment. Now I’ve gained a good bit of weight- I know that. But as soon as she sees me, she gives me a big hug and the first thing she says, “Wow, I didn’t realize just how thick you had gotten! Girl! What is this?”

I was instantly super embarrassed and stuttered and tried to laugh it off and couldn’t think of how to to respond because I was taken off guard. It really really hurt my feelings.

We didn’t really talk about it again, but the next day she was acting all shocked as she looked through my refrigerator for something to eat (and yes, I did offer for her to take whatever she wanted). Yes I do have a lot of not so healthy things in there, but I also have fruits and vegetables and organic meat and stuff like that. I thought the attitude was a bit exaggerated.

And today I was helping her with her laundry and she saw one of my bras hanging up to dry in the laundry area. She takes it off the hanger without asking and puts it on her head and starts cracking up about how she “can wear it as a hat and how the hell did your boobs get so huge.”

I admit that I snatched the bra off her head and said “give me that!” in a very irritated, snappy tone and she looked surprised. Things were a little awkward after that but we got past it. Later when she left she texts me and confronts me about the bra thing and how I was being too uptight and how she just wanted to be herself around me. Making me feel like the bad guy for something she started by poking fun at weight gain which is a sensitive topic for a lot of people. Idk, am I overreacting or what?

submitted by /u/hazelforever
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