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Weight Loss for Everyone: Fasting/Diet/Excercise Advice? [Long Post]

Friday, December 27, 2019

Fasting/Diet/Excercise Advice? [Long Post]

Hi, I'm trying to really get serious about my health. I'm 18 1/2 [F] 195 lbs and 5'6". I'm going to try intermittent fasting on around a 16:8 or a 18:6 ish daily ratio to curb my severe snacking problem. I'd also like to try some better diet choices but I am extremely picky and don't know what would be best suited for me. I have a lot of sensory texture issues with food that keep me from eating most all meat and eggs in any form except boiled or deviled.

The vast majority of my diet has been carbs such as pasta, bagels, bread, cereal, potatoes, beans, and sweets, thanks to my ever growing list of food aversions. I do eat vegetables but I find them hard to incorperate into meals or don't have the motivation to make myself eat them as often as I need. I don't know what kind of diet plan I should follow. I was looking at low carb and keto but I would also have meat and egg aversions which complicates things into a more vegetarian/vegan zone. I will eat some chicken, salmon, tilapia, and sometimes shrimp. I am willing to try tofu in recipes or as a protien additive ingredient. I'm looking for a really smooth formulation thats not chunky or super squishy. I've heard about silken tofu? I also have whey protien powder that I use in fruit smoothies but I am hesitant to use it because I don't excercise at all and I don't know a lot and don't want to consume extra calories if I'm not going to use them. I also don't really ever eat fast food or greasy food. No burgers, no hot dogs, no red meat, no fried stuff. I love soup and salad but my favorite thing of all time is pasta and while I'm prepared to try noodle alternatives, giving it up will be extremely hard for me.

I'm willing to try new foods or new ways to cook foods but I still have a big issue with squishy, chewy, lumpy or fatty textures. I'm really not looking for a lecture on how I need to "suck it up" and just eat these foods anyways because I've heard that my entire life and I'm tired of hearing it. Certain textures have just always immediately triggered my gag reflex. I'm trying to expand my food horizons but I'm afraid I will just always have some food phobias.

I also would like to try a little excercise but I'm extremely shy and have severe social anxiety and a gym seems very scary to me. I also have asthma and cardio is not my friend. I don't have much/any privacy or space in my home to workout but I would like to try a bit but I don't know anything about excercise at all or where to even start. I've played sports growing up like gymnastics, softball, and ice skating, but I've always had schoolmates to participate with and now that I'm in college with no competitive sports or many/any friends, I don't think I have the confidence to try these sports again by myself. I know cardio is the key to weight loss and I would like to try walking or running possibly around the neighborhood, I'm afraid my asthma may keep me from doing that, especially during winter in Colorado. I'm also kinda just afraid of looking stupid like I don't know what I'm doing, or you know, passing out in the park or on the sidewalk because I pushed myself too hard.

Generally, I just want to get serious about losing weight and eating healthier before my habits become more permanent as I transition into being an adult. My weight fluctuates around 190-200 and I'd like to get down to maybe 140-160 ish. I know its a big goal and I'm very impatient but it's important to me to try. I don't know how fast I could expect to see results but I'm willing to try to outwait my impatience. Advice? Tips? Help?

submitted by /u/Lucky-Tiger
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