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Weight Loss for Everyone: What to do after 2 days of overeating?

Saturday, October 2, 2021

What to do after 2 days of overeating?

So Friday and Saturday I ate in surplus; maintenance is 2,500, on Friday I ate 2,720 and today I stopped counting, but I'd say 3,000+. This isn't regular at all for me, and I don't plan on making it a habit. Normally I shoot for 1,500-2,000. (I keep it that broad because I WAS 5 lbs away from my goal weight after losing 85lbs and I'm trying to make my eating more like habit and intuition so that I can maintain easier).

I know I shouldn't beat myself up over it and that it won't completely derail my progress if I just get back on track. But part of me still wants to "make up for it".

So I've been thinking about fasting tomorrow, so that my average intake for Friday, Saturday, and Sunday will still be in a deficit. While I know I need to be in a deficit to lose weight and would like to stay in one, part of me wants to act like the binge from the past few days didn't happen and just keep eating at my normal deficit. But that would land me in a surplus and gaining weight.

So, what do you guys suggest? Should I do the fast to fix my average or should I just pretend it didn't happen? Do you have any other tips for what to do about binge days and how to handle/avoid them?

submitted by /u/Thiccness420
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