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Weight Loss for Everyone: Stopped Tracking and weight staying off.

Friday, October 29, 2021

Stopped Tracking and weight staying off.

I tracked everything for a few months and lost about 20lb which got me to a healthy weight. I've stopped tracking now and the weight seems to be staying off.

I've just learned a few good habits which I'm sticking to.

  1. Portion control: An entire pack of turkey mince that's meant for 2 people should last 2 meals. Bulk up your plate with extra veggies.

  2. Skipping dessert is much easier to do when you don't keep that sort of stuff in the house.

  3. Still hungry after eating? Wait 10 minutes and if you still feel like it then grab something else to eat.

  4. Carbs have a lot of calories in them. Having bread/pasta/rice/potatoes with every single meal is not essential. 2 out of 3 meals a day with carbs is probably fine.

  5. Lighter alternatives. Seems obvious but it does add up. Skinny beer is 89 calories a bottle and tastes pretty good. Some diet sodas from time to time are fine. Turkey bacon tastes good. Wraps are marginally less calories than tacos. I'm not talking about switching spaghetti to zucchini or other radical changes, but find the changes that are nbd to you and make some easy savings.

  6. Lifestyle change, not diet. I still eat chocolate/candy/chips/ice cream from time to time. I think if I told myself never again then I'd end up binging at dome point. Make sustainable changes and you can sustain them.

I know nothing here is revolutionary but just posting my experience. In the event that it helps 1 person with 1 thing then it has been worth posting.

Thank you for reading.

submitted by /u/xanderbiscuits
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