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Weight Loss for Everyone: Examples of severely obese people who wound up shredded?

Saturday, October 30, 2021

Examples of severely obese people who wound up shredded?

Hey, I was just wondering... is it even a realistic goal for someone like myself who at my heaviest was 443lb, with 260lb to lose to get to my goal weight to imagine myself one day having defined and tight pecs and abs? Is that even possible with body contouring surgery / loose skin removal? Or will there always be loose skin / sagging at this point that will never really get me to the same level of tautness that you see in magazines and other media of physically fit men?

I want to do this for my health... but I have never had that kind of body in my life and it is one of my biggest goals. I just don't want to idolize and hold that goal on a pedestal if it's entirely unrealistic.

I was wondering if anyone knows of even one example on the internet or can point me to some progress photos showing someone who has had SIGNIFICANT weight to lose who went from morbidly obese (400+) to shredded after the fact.

Thank you.

submitted by /u/MuteMaxwell
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