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Weight Loss for Everyone: Rollercoasters are much scarier now that I’ve lost weight

Saturday, October 2, 2021

Rollercoasters are much scarier now that I’ve lost weight

I feel like there’s a goldilocks size for rollercoasters where you are nice and snug in the seat but can still fit inside and can breathe, and in fact I think I used to be that size. As a teenager I was like 5’9, 5’10 and 180 pounds and I fit perfectly, with the harnesses my size and my belly being slightly squished keeping me held tight. Now, however, I’m 6’2 and 170 pounds and on some rides I can feel some significant space when the harness is fully installed. Maybe that’s how it’s supposed to be, but at my former size that didn’t happen and now that it does I feel like I’m going to fall out of the train!

I can’t imagine how shorter, skinnier people feel in this situation. How has losing weight impacted your amusement park ride experience?

submitted by /u/TumbaoMontuno
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