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Weight Loss for Everyone: How do you get back on track after an anxiety or depression spell?

Tuesday, October 26, 2021

How do you get back on track after an anxiety or depression spell?

I have been on a weight loss journey for a while now and I was down about 35 pounds. My anxiety and depression kind of took over my headspace so I stopped eating better and exercising....and ended up gaining 15 pounds back which really sucks to see.

I work long days 9 to 7 or 9 to 8 and I'm on my feet all day so I'm generally pretty tired at the end of the day, and cooking is the last thing I want to do. So any ideas of fast and healthy dinners would be amazing.

I'm also aware that I use food as a comfort, especially when I'm depressed or having lots of anxiety. Do you have any advice or resources to learn how to create a better relationship with food?

How do you guys motivate yourself to get back on track after slipping up for a while (month or two). What have you told yourself to get your spirits up and the tenacity to try again?

Any advice or tips welcome. Thanks everyone 💕

submitted by /u/penispunchersunite
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