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Weight Loss for Everyone: Advice for the next step in my journey

Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Advice for the next step in my journey

I am a 24M, and I've been consistently eating clean and exercising every other day for the past 4 weeks. SW is 206 and CW is 199. I am very pleased with my progress, but looking to take my fitness and workouts to the next level. Goal weight is 185.

My current fitness routine is full body workout every other day. I have 3 separate workouts and I just alternate each time. Each workout touches chest, biceps, triceps, shoulders, back, hamstrings, quads, calves, and abs in some way. I usually will have 3-4 sets of an exercise that hits each muscle. Usually my workouts last 1 hr.

Generally speaking, I am happy with the results I have gotten thus far, but looking to take the next step for more muscle gains. I would like to keep the 1 hr every other day schedule if possible. What is the best way to group muscles for your workout schedule? Should I focus only on a few muscle groups each day? Looking for any advice on how to advance my workout routine. TIA

submitted by /u/_goblue001
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