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Weight Loss for Everyone: 10kgs down since August!

Sunday, October 3, 2021

10kgs down since August!

Female, 30, Height: 171 SW: 73kg CW: 63kg GW:58kgs

I’m in my 6th COVID lockdown atm and live in the city that’s officially been in lockdown the longest in the world. We had really rough restrictions for a long time which caused my mental health to tank and in turn, I comfort ate to make myself feel better.

Worse of it was when I turned 30 in May and I was at my heaviest at 73kgs. I felt gross, couldn’t fit into my clothes and I was really struggling with my mental health. After months of feeling sorry for myself, I finally got my shit together at the start of August and started working out and eating healthy with the goal to be back at my pre-lockdown weight of 58kgs by December.

Well today I weighed in at 63kgs and despite being 5kgs heavier than my goal weight, I look damn fit! My bf even says I look better than I did at 58kgs which looking back at some beach photos, I really do! Why? Because I’ve been doing a lot of body weight strength training paired with cardio and it’s completely changed my body. I look more toned all over and very slim.

So here is what I did: • First thing I did was remove every piece of comfortable clothing from my wardrobe and only made it accessible for me to put on workout clothes in the morning.

• I did body weight and strength training workouts once a day, for 30-45mins at least 4-5 days a week.

•Coupled with my strength training, I walked or ran 5-10kms a day including on ‘rest’ days.

• Calorie counted - loosely - I didn’t write or record what I ate but was mindful of the calories in certain foods. I only ate fresh whole foods with a portion controlled choice of protein being fish, chicken or porterhouse steak. I ate virtually no carbs for the first 4 weeks but have slowly been introducing more complex carbs back into my diet. I also had a few nights were we got take away food including McDonald’s but I just kept up with my routine and didn’t punish myself for it and my weight kept dropping.

• I drank/ still drink so much water!

• Low calorie snacks like low cal jelly and popcorn literally saved me from snacking on the jar of Nutella in my cupboard.

Fully recognise that what works for one person may not necessarily work for others but I learnt alot from reading other peoples journeys on this sub so I thought I would share a snippet from mine. I hope this helps even one person take a step towards their goals.

submitted by /u/lunanicche
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