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Weight Loss for Everyone: I finally joined a gym and got a personal trainer!!

Wednesday, September 1, 2021

I finally joined a gym and got a personal trainer!!

For the first time ever I decided to try weight lifting and gained courage to contact a personal trainer and we agreed on a three month plan. I am so excited but to be honest quite scared as well. I lost weight a couple of times before, always ended up skinny fat and gained weight back unfortunately due to ED. So for the first time, being sick of it all I decided to gain some muscle and help my body out with getting rid of fat. I'm really motivated for my food intake as well because my main goal is to lose weight and tone up. I know that without a calorie deficit I'll just build muscle under the fat. In the past I was so afraid and ashamed of showing up in the gym, so I did kardio at home for which I easily found excuses. Hopefully this will be more difficult to do now that I have a plan and I paid for it.

I know it may sound weird that joining a gym is such a big deal for me, but it mainly comes out of dissapointment, shame and fear of "what if I fail...". I am aware that they're unrational thoughts but they're so so binding. So wish me luck and hopefully I'll be back with progress pics in the next 6+ months!

submitted by /u/RarelyExcitedBanana
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