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Weight Loss for Everyone: NSV: 4 months ago, I didn't break 1,000 steps per avg day. Yesterday, I hiked 5 miles

Monday, September 27, 2021

NSV: 4 months ago, I didn't break 1,000 steps per avg day. Yesterday, I hiked 5 miles

F 31. SW 300 on July 1, CW 275 (-25 lbs)

I've been sedentary for years. This year, I've developed an interest in National Parks and have been working on fitness this summer so I can experience more of them, it was the catalyst to finally get me moving and losing weight. In June of this year, going a mile on flat pavement made me feel like I was going to die and I'd be exhausted for a whole day. It was embarrassing. I would look up NPS sites and think, "I can't go to that one because I can't walk far enough to see anything." Suddenly I realized how much my lack of fitness was holding me back from my life.

So all summer, I've been working on moving more every day. I got a step-tracking watch and found that on a normal day, I didn't even break 1,000 steps. That was humiliating to realize, I had no idea how sedentary I really was.

I started just adding a few more steps a day. Parking farther away from work (just 2 parking spots farther at first and I noticed the difference, it was that bad), getting up and moving more during the work day, pacing around the kitchen while dinner is the oven, just simple things. I was psyched when my weekly average hit 2,000 steps per day. After 6 weeks of those simple increases, I started taking actual walks outside as well. I can now walk a mile around my neighborhood without a problem.

Now my average weekday step count is 5,000, and my weekend day average step count is 9,000. On weekends, I've been going to state parks and historical sites and just doing what I could do. It has been progressively more each weekend.

Yesterday, I went to a National Park site (Tallgrass Prairie in Kansas - so beautiful!) and I walked all over the unpaved hilly trails on a quest to see the bison herd. (I found them, it was awesome) I didn't realize until reviewing the trail map and my step counter afterwards that I hiked a little over 5 miles roundtrip over about 3 hours. It wasn't my intention at all, but it turned out to be really fun. And while I am sore now, I didn't feel like I was going to die. There is a 0.0% chance I could have done this four months ago.

So even though the number on the scale has only moved 25 lbs, this is a huge victory for me. I'm motivated to keep making gains in fitness and travel to more National Parks in the future. And actually feel good about my ability to see them!

submitted by /u/babblepedia
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