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Weight Loss for Everyone: 11lbs down in September, hoping to get 15lbs more. Wanted to share my progress!

Thursday, September 30, 2021

11lbs down in September, hoping to get 15lbs more. Wanted to share my progress!

Hello all!

Like a lot of people, 2020 put a lot of weight. I was on a great track, 5'11'' and down to 200lbs with a regular gym routine. Then everything shut down, and I began eating and drinking more to pass the time at home. 30lbs later, I found myself unhappy with my weight.

Finally at the end of August I told myself that I would actively use the LoseIt app with a plan of 2lbs lost per week, drink no alcohol on weekdays, eat less processed foods, and walk more. As of this morning, I weigh 214.9lbs. I'm ecstatic because my clothes fit so much better now, and I've already had to order a second belt, a size smaller. I haven't measured my waste, but the size 36'' pants I have that I could previously only get 1-2 fingers in between, I can now fit 4. I can almost fit into my size L shirts again.

Key things for me:

  • Tracking calories. I haven't been able to reliably lose weight without tracking calories and I made sure to track them every day, except for cheat days - only because they get a little silly sometimes with drinking and eating so it's too much of a hassle. Tracking calories with LoseIt has kept me at a caloric intake that has helped me lose the 2lbs+ per week by showing me a goal for it, and making me feel guilty about getting fast food because of how dense in calories it is.

  • Walking. I use a Xiaomi Mi Band 6 to track my steps through the day. I make sure I get at least 5,000 now and I really strive for 8,000+. Having a tracking method to actually see how much I'm moving has been helpful much like tracking calories, because it forces me to push a little more than I normally would.

  • Alcohol. If you drink, you need to get that right before it's a serious problem. If you do have a problem, 4+ drinks every single night, then you've gotta figure it out. It's bad for your liver, your wallet, and your weight. I went from drinking 6+ drinks a day, ~1,300 calories alone, to only on weekends with friends. I went through withdraw of night sweats and heavy cravings, but CBD helped me with that, as well as changing my sleep routine.

This week I started back at the gym on a routine I hadn't done in 3 months. I am doing a much lighter weight version to ease back into it, but I feel very motivated now that the weight is coming off. With the weight coming off without the gym, I feel very motivated to now build some shape back into my body.

Anyway, just one guy's story. Happy to answer any questions.

submitted by /u/macsmills
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