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Weight Loss for Everyone: Conflicting thoughts after binging today

Thursday, September 2, 2021

Conflicting thoughts after binging today

First of: I'm really sorry for any formating issues or typos. I am on mobile (autocorrect can be a jerk), and I'm new to Reddit.

Okay, so, I am a recovering binge eater and sugar addict. My roommate doesn't know anything about my past eating issues, and brought home today a bunch of discounted Reese's candy + one 500ml Ben and Jerry's Chocolate Fudge Brownie ice cream for each of us.

After eating the entire container of ice cream and a variety of Reese's candies, my mind is really torn. Once I finished, I ended up logging everything into MFP. I ended up going 1500 over my calorie limit for the day.

One side of my brain is saying, "It's fine. You don't eat like this very often anymore, and one day of indulging won't hurt you. You had fun goofing around with the candy with your roommate. Just go back to normal tomorrow."

Another side is saying, "Just keep eating. You already messed up. What's a few thousand calories more?"

In the past, I would have kept on eating and eating until I felt sick because of the guilt / feeling like I messed up. Today, I just ate until I was a little more than satisfied and put the rest of the candy in the freezer. I did battle with the thought of eating everything for around 20 minutes before it went away.

Now, I'm torn between feeling alright and worried about the weight gain. I know I likely didn't gain 1 or 2 pounds after today, but a part of my brain is telling me I screwed up royally and it will take me 2 weeks to fix because of all the sugar. The anxious part of my brain has a hard time believing that staying to my 500 deficit for a few days will put me back to where I was.

submitted by /u/copycat-reflection
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