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Weight Loss for Everyone: 12 pounds lost without hating every waking moment

Friday, July 2, 2021

12 pounds lost without hating every waking moment

Hello! I am so very excited! I stepped on the scale this morning and I am now 228 (started at 240). I’m a 5’5” 21 y.o. female with Hashimoto’s disease and I’ve struggled with my weight for my entire life. I lost about 50 pounds on keto 3 years ago but have since gained it all back. While keto may work for some, my particular methods of obsessive restriction simply were not sustainable (obviously). Plus, I was miserable during the process. I felt as if there were only two choices in my life: extreme restriction and a 1000+ calorie deficit OR binging everything in sight and “not caring”. Both would result in profound self-hatred and a multitude of unhealthy habits. I felt stuck.

I’ve tried every crash diet you can think of with the unhealthiest mindsets. I’ve straight up starved myself and lived off only water for a week because I was so desperate and self-destructive. I’ve wrestled with bulimia for years. I’ve been severely body-conscious and yo-yo dieting since I was eight years old. I remember being so petrified of my 8th birthday cake because I thought that it would reverse all of my hard work from that month. Yikes.

Now to the present day: I am practicing a CICO diet. I’m eating 1400-1500 kcals (600 deficit) daily instead of what I used to do (900-1000). I allow myself to eat carbs and fruit and gluten without feeling like the world is ending. This is the first diet that I genuinely believe is sustainable. It doesn’t consume my every waking thought as the others have. I cannot begin to express the relief and joy. I’m hopeful. It’s taken about 1 month to lose the 12 pounds, give or take a week or two. I can breathe. What a concept.

I wish everyone a beautiful day and I hope that by the end of July, I will have lost another 10 or so pounds. Best of luck on your own journeys!

submitted by /u/zhangyeying
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