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Weight Loss for Everyone: Weird, very weird advice from a dietician. I would like you guys' opinion on this. What should I do?

Thursday, October 1, 2020

Weird, very weird advice from a dietician. I would like you guys' opinion on this. What should I do?

22yo - SW: 242 lbs - CW: 172 lbs - GW: around 142 - 154 lbs

So I had a meeting with a dietician today. I had been looking for a dietician for some time, to help me break my plateau and lose the final 18 lbs I need to lose to get to a healthy BMI.

I was looking at her instagram posts before consulting her, and I really liked what I saw. I liked her approach to healthy eating as "not a diet" and saying that you could definitely eat pleasurable/unhealthy food AND healthy stuff, balancing both together, which is something I definitely agree with and I can relate, so I decided to arrange a meeting.

I'm pretty confused at how it went and the recommendations she made, which is why I wanted to have you guys' opinion on this.

So she already knows my goals and everything, and I told her about my alimentation regime. I aim to eat around 1500 calories a day. I don't really track absolutely everything I eat, in fact I only know the exact amount of calories of my breakfast and afternoon tea (That's right, we have 4 meals a day in here) which are about 300 combined, but roughly know the calories of everything else, to get around 1500. This is basically how my meals go every day:

  • Breakfast: Artificial sweetened coffee with 2 slices of home-made whole-grain bread with low-calorie jam spreaded on them. A banana, an apple or a cereal bar for dessert.
  • Lunch: Usually some kind of low-fat meat with salad, which I also include rice with once a week or so. I also have spinach or pumpkin pies once a week. Occasionally some other stuff, but always within the 400-600 cal range.
  • Afternoon tea: Artificial sweetened tea or coffee with a 130 to 170 calorie portion of different low-calorie cookies.
  • Dinner: A knorr cup soup with whatever leftovers I have from lunch. If pie, then a small slice. If salad, then I make a sandwich with the same home-made bread, the salad, and some cream cheese. If neither, just a cream cheese and ham sandwich, or small mini-sandwiches made with crackers. Banana, apple or cereal bar for dessert.
  • I also have a snack at 3 am, which is usually a cereal bar.

I also mentioned her I love Coke Zero and I drink it twice a month to keep it relatively healthy. Some of her suggestions made sense; she told me to double my daily amount of exercise and to fix my sleep schedule (I usually fall asleep at 4-5 am, wake up at 11, and then take a nap from 4-7 pm). She also suggested me to stop having bread in the mornings and replace that with ham and cheese, and to stop having cookies in the afternoon and replace them with yogurth or a shake. But then she started making weird suggestions.

  • She told me to replace the cereal bar with a 100-200 calorie chocolate, ice cream, or candy.
  • She told me to drink coke zero every day because it has no calories or sugars.
  • She also told me to eat 2 slices of pizza for dinner twice a week.

Her philosophy behind this is that I'm making too many "sacrifices" with my diet, and I'm taking too little pleasure and enjoyment out of it. But to be honest, I'm not feeling that way at all. I throughly enjoy having cereal bars for dessert. I don't mind having soup and a sandwich for dinner. I don't feel the need to drink more Coke Zero than I already do. I'm not struggling with the alimentation style I'm leading, at all. I'm not missing the way I used to eat. I feel like it's a mistake to introduce unhealthy stuff into it to feel more pleasure and enjoyment when I'm not really suffering because of a lack of food I enjoy.

She's also partially against calorie counting (or at least that's what I understood). We didn't discuss calorie counting or how many calories I should be consuming.

And to top it off, I told her about my treat day policy, where I treat myself to a nice high-calorie meal each weekend, and have coke zero with it twice a month. And she told me she doesn't believe in cheat or treat days because it's not a diet and I should not be prohibiting myself from any food. From my point of view she's just making me switch from one full "cheat" meal of something I enjoy, to small bits of the same thing throughout the week. Which, if anything, would make me feel more like I'm missing out than my current alimentation plan.

I honestly don't know what to do. I think I should either consult another dietician, or just keep doing what I'm doing. I'll have a talk with her where I'll share my opinions and feelings. But I would love you guys' imput on this situation.

submitted by /u/Kazumiguchi
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