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Weight Loss for Everyone: Handling Halloween and this weird Scarcity Mentality that I get.

Friday, October 30, 2020

Handling Halloween and this weird Scarcity Mentality that I get.

How do you all handle Halloween? Do you fully abstain from the junk? Do you fit it into CICO for the day? Take a full on cheat day? Cheat week? Find alternatives?

So, I waited until the final hour (figuratively speaking) to buy Halloween candy for handing out. This year I'm putting together treat baggies and leaving them in the porch with a scarecrow. Our own kids are young so we are mostly just dressing up and hiding candy around the house (covid times call for covid measures). So, it's inevitable...the junk has arrived and I'm certainly not going to deprive my husband and kids of it.

My husband is busy eating the leftover candy that hasn't been pre-packed for handing out. There's still plenty for our kids tomorrow too. And why shouldn't he, right? It's a Friday night right before Halloween and he has never struggled with his weight. Here's the weird part, while I'm busily trying not to eat any my mind is so preoccupied with the concept of how he is going to eat it all before I get the chance to have any.

I'm not an expert in the origins of a scarcity mindset, but I feel like it makes more sense for people who grew up in poverty or foster care, somewhere that you might need to fight for your food or eat quickly before it's gone. Well, that's just not me. I grew up upper middle class with tons of healthy and snacky food in the house. So, it definitely confuses me when I drill down into my emotions and realize I'm panicked that food will be gone if I don't eat it all now.

Does anyone know why this is? Do you ever experience this scarcity mindset despite the fact that you have always had the means and access to plenty of good food?

submitted by /u/speedofaturtle
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