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Weight Loss for Everyone: Fat and getting older..

Thursday, October 29, 2020

Fat and getting older..

So I am in need of some advice or direction or something.. I dunno..

I'm 46, about 5'9" and I am about probably 15 stone in weight. Before this pandemic I was 14 stone. And I was happy with that. Now, I feel bloated and heavy and no matter what I do, I cant seem to shift the weight.

I eat a pretty healthy diet, I even count calories using the My Fitness Pal app. I subscribe to Down Dog yoga and HIIT apps too. And I either do one or the other at least once a week. I dont always have time as I'm a single father with a 10 year old boy, and I work a part time job, which is bordering on full time..I am pretty active at work, and I'm constantly on the move.

I do have a SO who lives about 3 hours away so we don't see each other as much as we would like. I feel that I am getting bigger, while she looks just as fantastic as the day I met her nearly 2 years ago.

Is there any tips or advice that someone could give me? I find myself struggling with this mentally..

Thank you so much in advance.

submitted by /u/jaidiknight
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